Steampunk USB Devices

Steampunk USB Devices 

What is a Steampunk USB device?

A Steampunk USB device is a small device about the size of your finger that  stores documents and files as Giga bytes for transportation and security to use on your chosen device whether that be a pc or tablet. Like anything else they can be ‘Steampunked’ with cogs, gears, bronze and motifs among other aesthetic icons turning them into a ‘Steampunk’ USB device. 

In Steampunk technology is honored and adored and handmade jewelry often has a purpose such as the clock, compass or sundial so a USB stick is right up a Steampunk fans street and fitting as a piece of jewelry. They can be considered a useful piece of jewelry as well as a technological device and therefore alot of fans customize them. 

Below we explore some different USB device designs and how you can customize your own USB device using your own two hands. 



 The Gatling gun USB device 

Steampunk fans love their Steampunked guns these come in a huge range but one of the most popular is the ‘ Steampunk Gatling gun’ worn in many different Cosplay outfits it is statement piece. It works as Steampunk because of its big moving parts and rotary barrel reminiscent of the turning wheels, cogs and gears on a beautiful locomotive. If you like it big then you are going to like it small it is a reminder of the Steampunk event just around the corner to cheer you up every time you use it. 



Watch Movement USB Device 

One of the core pieces of technology of the Victorian era is the pocket watch with its wonderful moving parts and gorgeous cogs and gears. In order to appreciate and admire the technology of a pocket watch the movements are often taken out and added to Steampunk jewelry. The USB device is no exception and can be adorned with watch movements     


Steampunk Cufflink USB Device 

Shirts are a main stay of a Steampunk gents outfit and optimizing on space is always a good idea. Why could your cuff links not be USB devices asks the curious mind? technology should be jewelry because it is beautiful, that is Steampunk. 



Steampunk Leather Bracelet USB Device

If you admire technology and use it more than frequently having your USB device as a leather bracelet is not only handy but very Steampunk.



Steampunk Necklace USB Device 

Jewelry means a lot to its owner and a necklace is often the center piece of a entire look being so close to the heart. Having a necklace USB device is convenient if you use it often and can fit in with your everyday or cosplay look.




Steampunk Resin Memory Stick

Resin is often used in Steampunk jewelry to capture something in time to be admired. The resin is like a metaphor for the Victorian era and what ever is suspended within is a icon of the time. This can be anything cogs, gears, a compass or even the octopus that is for you to decide.       





 Glowing Steampunk USB Device 

A glowing USB is a true sign technology is buzzing and alive like the work shop of Mr Frakenstein himself or the inventions of Thomas Edison. If you want something abit more alive then this is the one for you.

this can even be handmade see the article below. link out  



Steampunk Secure Cryptex USB Device 

 Security is very much on the mind of a Steampunk fan, with so many lovers of technology alot of people no how to over ride it. This is impossible with this USB device because you need to actually be holding the device in your hands with the number code. As well as this it reminds me very much of the date entry device used on the H.G. Wells Time Machine.   





Steampunk Key ring USB device

Having your USB device on your keying is easily accessible and a great reminder of your favorite fashion, great for showing friends.  



How to customize your USB device, Steampunk it ;

A USB device or memory stick can be customized like any other piece of jewelry it is tradition and a right of passage for a Steampunk gent to create his own handmade jewelry. A USB device is a great place to start in your adventure of ‘Steampunking’ things. Some pointers; 


– To start with try and find a memory stick by searching on Google, Ebay or Amazon that looks Steampunk at a basic level there are plenty out there, one for example is a bronze colored memory stick. Then you can add stuff to the memory stick. 

– Paint your usb stick bronze with craft paints from your local store 

– Buy charms such as cogs and gears or nuts and bolts from your local store or Ebay and glue them onto the memory sticks free space.


– Glue on watch movements buy the watch movements from Etsy or Ebay and the glue from your local craft shop 

– If you can hang steampunk charms like the octopus from your memory stick if it has any holes 



– If your really handy you can make your own memory stick with a glowing light check out this how to article


Additional Steampunk accessory ideas 

 If your enjoying the process of Steampunking you are probably getting the hang of it. Here are some other things you can Steampunk. 


Head Phones 



Steampunk keyboard  




Steampunk mobile phone cover 




Steampunk game controller 



We hope you have downloaded all this information on Steampunk USB devices and are on the way to customizing your own.

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